


來源:http://www.kangyanghua.com/ 發布時間:2023-04-24

1. Materials and Prices
Aluminum plates generally use 2-4mm thick AA1100 pure aluminum plate or AA3003 aluminum alloy plate, while 2.5mm thick AA3003 aluminum alloy plate is generally used in China; Aluminum plastic panels generally adopt a 3-4mm three-layer structure, including two 0.5mm clips of PVC or PE on the top and bottom. We can see from the materials that the cost of aluminum plastic panels is definitely much lower than that of aluminum veneer.
2. Processing process
At present, fluorocarbon sprayed aluminum plates are mainly used in China, and the processing process includes sheet metal processing and spraying. Sheet metal processing mainly involves cutting, folding, bending, welding, polishing and other processes on the flat plate to process the aluminum plate into the shape and size required for construction; Spraying is the process of spraying paint on processed sheet metal, either manually or mechanically. Machine spraying is generally only suitable for regular flat plates, and a major advantage of manual spraying is that regardless of the amount, the color can be chosen at will.

The roller coating of aluminum plastic plate must reach a certain amount before it can be processed. The processing process of aluminum plastic plate is more complex than that of aluminum plate, mainly consisting of four processes: formation, coating, composite, and edge trimming. These four processes are all automated production except for edge trimming. From its processing process, it can be seen that aluminum plastic panels have certain advantages in environmental protection and safety. In addition, the simplicity of the sheet metal processing of aluminum panels has led some private workshops to enter, seriously affecting the stability of the market quality of aluminum panels.
3. Performance cost:
The appearance of aluminum plate is slightly worse than that of aluminum plastic plate, but its mechanical properties are significantly better than aluminum plastic plate, and its wind pressure resistance performance is also better than aluminum plastic plate.
Fire resistant aluminum panels are non combustible, and early aluminum plastic panels were not able to resist fire. However, with the advancement of aluminum plastic panel technology, the fire resistant aluminum plastic composite panels produced today have greatly improved their fire resistance performance by adding non-toxic and flame-retardant materials to their PE, which can fully meet the needs of engineering fire protection. Residual aluminum panels have a certain residual value, but due to their high cost, the waste caused is much greater than that of aluminum plastic composite panels with almost no residual value.
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This article is provided by aluminum plate manufacturers for assistance. For more related content, please click on http://www.kangyanghua.com I hope this article can be helpful to you. Thank you for reading!

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