


來源:http://www.kangyanghua.com/ 發布時間:2023-06-27

The theoretical weight calculation formula for aluminum plates is as follows:
重量(單位:千克)= 長度(單位:毫米)× 寬度(單位:毫米)× 厚度(單位:毫米)× 密度(單位:千克/立方米)
Weight in kilograms=length in millimeters ×  Width in millimeters ×  Thickness in millimeters ×  Density in kilograms per cubic meter
Among them, density is the density of aluminum, typically 2.7 grams per cubic centimeter or 2700 kilograms per cubic meter.
It should be noted that this is only the theoretical weight of the aluminum plate, and the actual weight may vary due to differences in manufacturing process and materials. In addition, if the aluminum plate has other shapes or structures, such as bending, holes, etc., additional calculations are also required to obtain accurate weight.
How to calculate the weight of aluminum plates?
Weight calculation formula: m= ρ* V (m is the mass, ρ Density, V is volume) The density of aluminum plates with different alloys( ρ) It's different. Here, we take a 3mm * 1000 * 2023 1060 aluminum plate (also known as pure aluminum plate) as an example. The weight of this aluminum plate (m)=2.71 (density) * 3 (thickness/mm) * 1 (width/meter) * 2 (length/meter)=16.26kg.
Density of pure aluminum( ρ= 2.7g/cm3) is relatively small, about one-third of iron. However, the strength of pure aluminum is very low and in an annealed state σ The value of b is approximately 8kgf/mm2, so it should not be used as a structural material.
Through long-term production practice and scientific experiments, people have gradually strengthened aluminum by adding alloying elements and using heat treatment methods, resulting in a series of aluminum alloys.
The alloy formed by adding certain elements can maintain the advantages of pure aluminum being lightweight while also possessing very high strength, σ The b values can reach 24-60kgf/mm2, respectively.
This makes it "specific strength" (the ratio of strength to specific gravity) σ B/ ρ) Compared to many alloy steels, it has become an ideal structural material and is widely used in mechanical manufacturing, transportation machinery, power machinery, and aviation industry. The fuselage, skin, and compressor of aircraft are often made of aluminum alloy to reduce self weight.
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