


來源:http://www.kangyanghua.com/ 發布時間:2023-09-03

The storage environment for aluminum plates should be dry, bright, well ventilated, and free from corrosive weather.
2. Aluminum coils should be avoided as much as possible in areas where there is rain or snow leakage.
3. Strengthen the management of rolling oil, and control its water content below 0.04%.
4. The packaging of aluminum coils should be sealed, and an appropriate amount of desiccant should be added to each coil.
5. When transporting from a low-temperature area to an area with high temperature and humidity, do not immediately open the sealed packaging.
6. The humidity of the wooden shaft and board of the packaging box shall not exceed 18%, and the temperature of the colored aluminum coil for packaging shall not exceed 45 ℃.
7. When storing aluminum coils, it is strictly prohibited to store them together with chemical and humid materials.
Aluminum coil is a common metal product with a high demand in industry. The main role of aluminum coil in industry is raw materials, which require various processing before being circulated in the market. The specifications and models of aluminum coil in the market are also very diverse, and the basic demand can be met. There are also many aluminum coils in the market.
If the aluminum coil is placed inside a wooden box, we need to ensure that the humidity of the wooden box is less than 18%, and the temperature of the aluminum coil cannot exceed 45 ℃.
If the packaging suddenly shifts from a low temperature area to a high temperature area during placement, we should not immediately open it because it is prone to oxidation. We should wait until the aluminum coil is suitable before unpacking, so that oxidation will not occur.
Various quality problems may occur during the production process of aluminum coil plates, and what are the reasons for these quality problems.
1. Non metallic pressing.
Main reasons: Unclean rolling process equipment conditions, unclear rolling process lubricants, insufficient spraying pressure of process lubricants, and scratches on the surface of the slab.
2. Scratches.
Main reasons: When the plates and strips come into contact with the guide and equipment during the processing and production process, they generate relative friction and cause scratches. The end face of the cold rolled coil is not aligned, causing misalignment during annealing and flipping in a vertical furnace, causing scratches between layers. Improper tension during cold rolling, causing interlayer misalignment and scratches during uncoiling, and improper finishing acceptance or packaging operations resulting in sliding between plates and scratches.
3. Collision injury.
The main reason is that the plate or coil collides with other objects during transportation or storage, and other protrusions collide with the annealing material rack or chassis, resulting in aluminum coils.
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