


來源:http://www.kangyanghua.com/ 發布時間:2024-06-10


Is the cut surface of laser cutting aluminum plate as smooth as cutting other materials? The cutting edge of the aluminum plate is also smooth. The aluminum plate is only a highly reflective material and requires a large laser generator. The cutting gas, like other materials, is cut with nitrogen gas, which will not cause surface roughness.


Aluminum plate adopts laser cutting characteristics:


1. Cutting seam fine: The laser cutting seam of aluminum plate is generally between 0.1mm-0.2mm



2. Smooth cutting surface: The cutting surface of the laser cut aluminum plate is free of burrs and slag.


3. Small thermal deformation: The laser cutting of laser processing is fine, fast, and energy is concentrated, so the heat transmitted to the cut material is small, causing very little deformation of the material.


4. Material saving: Laser processing uses computer programming, and laser equipment can perform material nesting on aluminum plates of different shapes, improving the material utilization rate of aluminum plates and saving a lot of material costs.


5. The thickness of aluminum plate that can be cut mainly depends on the power of the laser generator. Generally, the thickest aluminum plate can be cut to 16mm for 6000W, and 12mm for 4500W.

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